Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Fourth year blues.

It is fourth year. And while I can rant for an entire post on how I cannot believe that is happening, on how I don't feel like a Masters student, on how I have no clue where everything went, I won't. Maybe later. This is just a quick post on the 25 things insti has taught me. I have a much longer list but we'll take this slow :)

3 done. 2 to go.
  1. Legible, almost cursive.
  2. Don’t be afraid of change.
  3. Those sounds are more likely animals than monkeys.
  4. Everyone sees a different person in the mirror.
  5. It is possible to get from bed to shower to class after washing clothes in 20 minutes. In 25, you can eat as well.
  6. Walls become murals of memory.
  7. There is barely any difference between day and night.
  8. Never carry plastic. Monkeys don’t need our charity.
  9. It isn’t normal to see a dozen deer outside your hostel at 4 AM. Will never get used to it.
  10. We can survive on 45 minutes of sleep.
  11. All disagreements during end-sem season are forgiven and forgotten.
  12. Monkey sleep cycles are more important than yours. And more predictable.
  13. Post-its are more reliable than phone signal.
  14. Do not use trees to give directions.
  15. Hproxy and fbproxy were the solution to productivity. Netaccess will ruin us all.
  16. By 5th sem, class reps are status quo.
  17. N is so much more than a letter. N more than a letter.
  18. Newspapers can do what door latches cannot.
  19. CLT, OAT, HSB, MSB, ESB, ICSR, CRC, TGH. All more than random letters.
  20. Everyone can afford GRT.
  21. Guru/Sarayu guys know your syllabus better than you do.
  22. All roads lead to GC. Or a gate.
  23. It is Tifs. Not Suprabaa. And now, it is mess. -_-
  24. The skies may fall but the playlist in CCD won’t change.
  25. Flipflops are the only kind of footwear.